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Dear Neighbor,
It is an honor to represent Council District 7, a community that I have called home my entire life. It is a special place made up of beautiful and diverse neighborhoods and I am pleased to share with you the progress we have made this year to improve public safety, build community, expand opportunities for youth, deliver resources and address homelessness.
To read the full list of our mid year accomplishments please visit my website and below are a few highlights for your review:
This year has been productive and our continued progress is achieved with the support of community members reaching out to my offices, helping us identify what needs to be improved and I thank you for this partnership.
Here is a roster of the current FTDNC Board for 2024 (in alphabetical order by first name):
Alisa Clairet, Corresponding Secretary
Anthony Brown
Cindy Bloom, VP for Communications and Outreach and Outreach Committee Chair
Eli Wells, Treasurer and Budget and Finance Committee Chair
Josie Zarate, VP of Administration, Public Safety Committee Chair
Kevin J. Davis, President
Leslie McGee
Marshallyn Brown
Oma El, Parliamentarian
Pamela Miller-Mitchell
Raya Gayton
Roy Zarate
Tiser Turner
Yvonne Sucich
LOS ANGELES, June 21, 2024 – The 4th of July holiday and the days that follow are the busiest times for LA Animal Services Centers. The loud noises and bright lights caused by fireworks frighten pets causing them to escape their homes and end up in City shelters. To ensure there is life saving space in our shelters, LA Animal Services is offering the following lifesaving ways so lost pets are reunited with their families, animals in our shelters may be adopted or fostered, and pets at home stay safe
Free Microchipping for Pets
More pets are lost between July 4 through 6. To ensure lost pets are reunited with their families, LA Animal Services will be offering free microchips for pets, starting June 22 through July 3 thanks to our friends from Petco Love (while supplies last). You can visit any of the six LA Animal Services Centers for more information about the importance of microchipping your pet.
Red, White, and Woof Adoption Days
To encourage pet adoptions, LA Animal Services will be offering reduced adoption fees for dogs and cats, starting Tuesday, June 25 through Wednesday, July 3. Adoption fees for dogs are $51, excluding the $20 license fee; puppies $75; cats: $12.50; and kittens $25.
4 Weeks For Life Fostering
LA Animal Services is encouraging Angelenos to foster a pet in preparation for a busy 4th of July holiday weekend during our Four Weeks for Life event. Four weeks allows our shelter pets to get a much needed break from kennel life, and creates life saving space for the lost, sick, frightened, and abandoned animals who make their way into our Centers. Four weeks ensures that our pets out on foster have a safe space to return to if not adopted.
To become a foster pet parent, please complete this application and send it to LA Animal Services will provide you with the items you need, from a bed, crate, and toys, to ensure a happy and comfy sleepover for your canine foster companion.
How to Keep Pets Safe this 4th of July
LA Animal Services reminds pet owners that they can prevent heartache and anxiety by following a few simple suggestions:
If your pet is not microchipped, visit any of our six LA Animal Services Centers during business hours to have your companion animal microchipped. Most veterinary clinics also offer microchipping!
To report fireworks in your neighborhood, you may call LAPD’s non-emergency number at 877-275-5273 or file a complaint online.
If hosting a gathering with friends, try creating a safe place in your home where your pet can have some quiet space away from your company like a room that is off-limits to guests, or a familiar crate with their favorite toys or comforting blanket. For bunnies, provide extra places for them to hide within their living spaces (like an extra hidey hole). You can also play calm and soothing music and keep the room as quiet as possible. In addition, closing doors, windows, and blinds will also help to distract pets from the sounds of fireworks.
We encourage people who have lost their dog or cat to post a photo and description of the pet on Petco Love Lost, LA City Lost and Found Pets,, or, to improve the chances of reuniting with their companion animals.
In addition to using social media, LA Animal Services also suggests that individuals who are able to do so, provide temporary home care for lost or stray companion animals in their neighborhood through our Shelter-at-Home program. Shelter-at-Home expands LA Animal Services’ foster program and increases community involvement in helping animals find their owners while enabling pets to be held in less stressful environments.
If the pet appears sick or injured, please bring them to the closest Animal Services Center immediately. DO NOT LEAVE the dog or cat in an unsafe place.
4th of July Horse Safety
Fireworks and the 4th of July celebrations may also frighten and cause injury to horses. It is estimated that around 60 percent of all animals become distressed by the loud noises and streaking lights of fireworks, and horses are no exception being outdoors.
To keep your equine friends safe, here are some key tips
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram as we post reminders to keep these pet safety tips top of mind and safety tips or visit our 4th of July Pet Safety Page.
LA Animal Services Centers will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2024 to observe the 4th of July holiday.
For more information about LA Animal Services, visit: